Monday Dec 3
Up for my morning Nespresso around 7:30am - it was quite cloudy with a little drizzle - still mild - high of 21-22C pretty much every day.
We had a late (for us) breakfast around 9am then planned our hike for the day after getting “fitted” our for bikes. Dieter did a short trial ride and looked very solid - I had issues with the gears - a little shaky.
We set out for our planned hike around 11am - it was overcast and seemed on the cool side so we packed the gortex jackets and only one bottle of water. We hiked up to Intermediate Hill (class 3) for a great lookout then onto Mutton Bird Island lookout (class 4) (where there were boobies and sooty terns, the shearwaters are all out fishing during day. There were young boobies (officially the masked boobies or gannets) - so cute unfortunately we did not have the binos with us. From here we hiked back to the lodge via a different trail (making a loop) - all up nearly 4 hours. The sun came out early on and it was quite warm - we ran out of water at the 2 hour mark even with rationing - won’t do that again.
We finally got back to the lodge around 3pm - well deserved showers and re-hydrating. Later it was off to happy hour and dinner - excellent again. We both had the kingfish.