Saturday June 27 - Frankfurt
We arrived in Frankfurt from Copenhagen this afternoon - see previous entry.
Sunday June 28 - Frankfurt
As planned we took the train to Stuttgart for the day to visit Rolf & Lori for lunch then Maggie & Helmut for dinner. It was a long day - we left the hotel before 8am and arrived home after 10pm.
Monday/Tuesday June 29-30 - Frankfurt
We spent 2 excellent, sunny and warm days sightseeing and shopping before our long haul home.
Wednesday July 1-2 - Frankfurt - Singapore - Sydney
We flew home on an SQ A380 in first class (at least as far as Singapore) where after a 2 hour layover we took an SQ 77W also in First class to Sydney. Our flight touched down at 7:00pm and we were in the house at 8:00pm. The end of the end - now to get over jet lag.